St. Kateri, the Lily of the Mohawks, canonized by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in 2012,

is also prominently featured in the Shrine dedicated to St. Anne.

In many ways, the Basilica of St. Anne is a holy edifice reserved for the woman of all women; i.e.

the mother of the Mother of Christ, who is the Saintly protector of womanhood by and large, 

​so, for instance, housewives, mothers, pregnant women, grandmothers and all lady homemakers, which includes women who are in charge of Christian and worldly organizations. 

St. Anne's Shrine is artistically decorated by dozens of painting like the one depicted above, which, in this particular instance, is dedicated to the First Nations as they embrace Christianity. 

The Pieta on the Basilica's main level is an exact replica of Michelangelo's extraordinary work 

exhibited in the Vatican, Rome. 

​The Pieta at the lower level of the Basilica

The marvelous entrance doors to the Shrine of St. Anne 

​reminded us of those created by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti (*1378 +1453),

who had divinely created the doors to the Florence Cathedral, the construction of which was commenced in the year 1296.  

This magnificent and Christianity-inspiring Shrine to St. Anne

was initially built near Quebec, Canada, in 1658. 

Our RCST Pilgrimage delegation,

led by the RCST Grand Prior, H.E. Ulisses Count Rolim (center), 

consisted (from left to right) of Chev. Raymond Nadeau, H.E. Michel Gaudart, the Count de Soulages, and

Their Serene Highnesses the Princes Gulgowski-Doliwa,

Duchess Heide and Duke Paul of Schlesien-Glogau. 

The above Icon depicting, from top to bottom

St. Anne, St. Mary and Jesus,

was inspirationally created by the great Leonardo Da Vinci, *1452 +1519.

​​The final item on our Investiture agenda in Canada, 1 June 2014, was our Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, which is dedicated to the Mother of the Virgin Mary, who had given earthly life to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

St. Anne is the Patron Saint to 43 different entities, including nations, provinces within nations, special individuals and conditions. 

Singling out just a few of the entities cited above, St. Anne is Patron Saint of 

Canada, France, Equestrians, the Micmaq People of the American Northeast, 

the Taos People of New Mexico and women in the process of giving birth. 

H.E. Michel Gaudart, The Count de Soulages, one of the most prominent members of French Nobility, here proudly wearing the insignia of the Knights of St. John of Malta, 

did not want to miss out on the opportunity to also speak to Grand Chief One Onti. 

And so, another enlightening and enriching day found a most satisfying end in Grand Canada.

Together, we enjoyed many lengthy and substantive conversations about an immense array of subjects. Surprisingly, and possibly not all that surprisingly, we found complete agreement on a host of important things that pertain to all of us today with regard to the world we live in.

Among several other things we learned that the Grand Chief had extensively visited Germany, which he characterized as a very friendly and welcoming nation. In particular, he had visited Cuxhaven and Gluecksburg. We had resolved to meet one another again in the not too distant future.

Grand Chief One Onti, on this post card photographed in his younger years, 

is the longtime elected and trusted leader of the Huron-Wendat Nation of Quebec.

He is an accomplished politician, successful business man, published author and the founder and director of organizations dedicated to the culture and constitutional rights of the all the Native Nations of Canada. Beyond that, he is a great personal admirer of St. Kateri, the Lily of the Mohawks. 

Surely one of the most charismatic and colorful VIPs we had the privilege of meeting at subject event, was a world traveler of a man, who had also visited Germany:

The Honorable Grand Chief of the Huron-Wendat Nation, 

H.E. Chief One Onti, Max Gros-Louis.

The above photograph shows the star-like expands of the Citadelle for the benefit of our readers.

This immensely beautiful day found its end at a Gala function given in honor of Canada's military families, whose breadwinners had just returned from Afghanistan, where many of them had been injured, which couldn't help but having a sombering effect on all the guests in attendance.

​The St. Lawrence Seaway in all its greatness and splendor.

A stunning view over the city of Quebec, with the historic Frontenac in the foreground, photographed from the ramparts of the Citadelle. This is one of the few man-made places in the world where one feels actually close to heaven and where one would want to stay forever.  

During World War II, the Frontenac served as the Combined Canadian / United States Military Headquarters and meeting site of President F.D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister W. Churchill. 

One of the canons, featured above, did see action in the Crimean War, Sewastopol, during the 1850ies.

​​The Citadelle also contains the living quarters of the Governor General, when he officially resides in Quebec. However, while we visited the city and the Citadelle, the Governor General was not in residence.

Next, we promenaded around the high ground of the Citadelle, which used to be a platform for the projection of military power in the historical past of Canada..

Count Ulisses Rolim and Chev. Denis Racine, Esq.,

underneath a portrait of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, 

which pictures her during a Trooping of the Colour Parade,

whereby she wears the parade dress uniform of the 22nd IR of which she is,

as previously pointed out, Colonel-in-Chief.  

Our host, Michel Gaudart, The Count de Soulages and RCST Prior of Quebec, addresses his guests in general and Count Rolim in particular.

Enjoying lunch at 22nd IR Officers' Mess: 

The Company was jovial and interesting; the food was great.

A wonderful time was being had by everyone.

Naturally, we just had to capture the opportunity to be photographed with 

H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, 

​the longest-serving Monarch at least during our lifetime. 

Next stop: Luncheon at the Quebec Citadelle Officers' Club,

the social home of the Officer Corpse, 22nd Infantry Regiment,

Colonel-in-Chief: H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. 

The traditional group picture. Everyone is happy and content.

The RCST departure procession leaves the Chapel.

Obviously, the Princes Gulgowski-Doliwa, Duchess Heide and Duke Paul,

are enjoying a marvelously good time. 

The officiating Priest presented us with a heartfelt and inspiring sermon.

​Chev. Andre Cote receives his RCST mantle from the hands of the Grand Prior.

Chev. Denis Racine, Esq., receives his RCST blessing.

​Marie Pasquet, The Countess Gaudart, mother of Michel, receives her RCST brevet.

The Investiture Officials

RCST Grand Prior Count Ulisses Rolim, the Officiating Priest, Count de Soulages,

RCST Prior of Quebec 

The following photographs depict certain individuals representing all the postulants while receiving their RCST blessings.  

The pew reserved for the Senior Members of the

Princely and Ducal House Gulgowski-Doliwa.

The Investiture party, consisting of postulants, VIP guests and the RCST Investiture Officials, arrives in the Chapel.

These RCST mantles are waiting for their postulants.

The Investiture Chapel.

During long past battles, this Chapel also served as a surgery.

In those days, here, the wounded and the dying could at least feel protected

against incoming artillery.

Chapel Entry Marker

The triumphal gate to the Citadelle of Quebec, historical site of the Battle of Quebec, which was fought in October 1690 between the colonies of New France and Massachusetts Bay, then ruled by the Kingdoms of France and England, respectively. This was the first time that the military defenses of Quebec were tested by the force of military arms.

Now, this sturdy but peaceful edifice guides us to the inner ramparts of the fortress and the Investiture Chapel for this particular RCST celebration. 

On 31 May 2014, it was our honor and privilege to attend the RCST Investiture in

Chapelle de la Citadelle, Quebec.

We were absolutely delighted with having been billeted in the Pacific Suite.

From here, we enjoyed a marvelous view of Quebec City around us, as the following photographs will indicate.

For instance, the enormous palace-like Hotel Frontenac and the St. Lawrence Seaway ocean dock area were day and night visible to us. 

This year, we commenced our stay in the delightfully beautiful French-culture city of Quebec by staying at the Royal Canadian Naval Residence, known as The Pointe-a-Carcy.

Princess Heide and Prince Paul had visited Canada in general and Quebec in particular about twenty years ago with two dear, now departed, close relatives,

Chev. Heinz Brosius, OIC and

Lady Johanna Brosius, nee v. Look.

The following photographs will attest to the statement above.

The above portrait, which symbolizes the uncompromising devotion of the first Native Nations Saint has motivated us to prepare a short synopsis of St. Kateri's life for the reading benefit of our interested friends and acquaintances.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha was born in 1656 of an Algonquin mother and a Mohawk father in Ossemenon, now known as Auriesville, New York. Her parents and her younger brother perished during a smallpox epidemic in her community, when she was four years old. She survived, but her eyesight was greatly affected and her face severely marked with smallpox scars.

When she was eleven years old, she lived with relatives in Caughnawaga, now known as Fonda, New York. There she met Jesuit Missionaries and found comfort of her situation in Christianity. She was baptized in 1676 at the age of twenty. 

One year later, St. Kateri traveled from the Mohawk Valley to the village of Kahnawake and the Mission of Saint Francis Xavier. Here she received her First Holy Communion on Christmas Day.

St. Kateri dedicated her life to our Lord Jesus Christ in work and prayer, in as much that she cared for the elderly and the sick. At the age of twenty-four, she became gravely ill. She died on 17 April 1680. Soon after her death, her scarred face was restored to its former unblemished beauty and miracles obtained through her intercession began immediately.

Pope Pius XII declared St. Kateri "Venerable" in 1943, attributing two cures through her intercession. 

On 22 June 1980, St. Kateri was "Beatified" by Pope St. John Paul II.

On 19 December 2011, Pope Benedict XVI announced the Canonization of St. Kateri Tekakwitha. He approved a miracle attributed to St. Kateri for saving the life of a young boy, who had suffered from a flesh-eating disease.

St. Kateri was Canonized in a splendid, sunshine-lit ceremony in Rome, Italy, on 21 October 2012, by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.  

(Selected dates and facts were gleaned from the Kahnawake Economic Development Commission Booklet, 2013.) 

17th-century painting of St. Kateri Tekakwitha by Father Chauchetiere, created between 1682-1693. 

Our visit to the Kateri Tekakwitha Sanctuary would have been less complete would we not have had the wonderful opportunity to talk to a marvelous Mohawk lady who gave us many valuable and enlightening explanations about this great Saintly place on the banks of the Saint Lawrence River.

Husband Paul felt spiritually and intellectually enriched by the fact that he was able to accompany his wife to this most beautiful and Christian-thought-provoking sanctuary.

Dame Heide, spiritually and emotionally touched by her personal encounter with the resting place of the earthly vessel of St. Kateri, is a Lady Commander of the Hospitaller and Military Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, The Eagle of Georgia and St. Queen Tamar of Georgia and a Grand Cordon Dame of the Royal Confraternity of Sao Teotonio. She must absolutely be credited with having mastered the resolve to take this arduous journey to her most favorite and revered Saint to remain with her in dedicated prayer. 

The high altar of the St. Francis-Xavier Church with embroidered portrait of St. Kateri.

It may be assumed with relative certainty that Ms. Tammy Beauvais has created the artistic design visible above. She is a local artist residing in the community of Kahnawake.

The final and truly serene resting place of St. Kateri within the First Nation community of Kahnawake is the St. Francis-Xavier Church, which we had the opportunity to visit while remaining there for an hour of prayers of gratitude and intercessional requests to our Lord God.  

Our solemn purpose of visiting Kahnawake was to pay our respects to

St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Lily of the Mohawks, who lived from 1656 to 17 April 1680 and who was canonized by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on 21 October 2012. 

​​For nearly two days, we followed the various signs of the Queen's Highways, while enjoying the 

majestic beauty of the Canadian countryside, until we reached the the township of 

Kahnawake, Mohawk Territory, just opposite from Montreal.

The Sault Ste. Marie international bridge brought us from the United States of America to Canada.

From Delafield, Wisconsin, via the upper peninsular of Michigan, we reached Sault Ste. Marie, our entry point to Canada.

The Head of the Government of Quebec and Prime Minister is

H.E. Philippe Couillard.

The direct representative of Queen Elizabeth II and her Governor General for Quebec is

H.E. Lt. Governor The Honourable Pierre Duchesne.

The Head of the Canadian Government and Prime Minister is

H.E. Stephen Harper.

Queen Elizabeth II is permanently represented in Canada by

H.E. The Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.

Her Britannic Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, here featured in her capacity as

Monarch of Canada. Her Majesty is also Monarch of 15 other Commonwealth Realms.

Journeying and Paying Our Respects to

St. Kateri in Kahnawake, 

St. Anne-de-Beaupre and

Participating in an Investiture of the

Royal Confraternity of Sao Teotonio (RCST)

in Quebec, Canada


H.S.H. Prof. Dr. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa and

H.S.H. Grand Dame Heide A.M. Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa,

The Dukes of Schlesien-Glogau

The RCST Investiture Photographs were Kindly and Generously Provided by

Monsieur Francois Lebel,

President-Directeur General, AnnonceDon, Quebec, Canada

All Other Pictures were Photographed by

H.S.H. Grand Dame Heide A.M. Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa,

Duchess of Schlesien-Glogau  

As has been our cherished custom since decades, so also this time, it is our pleasure and privilege to honor the nation visited, in this case Canada, by prominently featuring its principal sovereign heads of state and heads of governments along its identifying national flags and coats-of-arms. 


​Lt. Col. GS Tardif

The food and wine were superb and the conversation intellectually stimulating and enlightening.

It is our honor and privilege to thank the Quebec Priory RCST members, who have contributed so immensely much to our general wellbeing and enchanting hospitality.

Identifying them one last time by name, although they appear quite frequently in this travelogue, 

will be our pleasure:

H.E. Michel Gaudart, The Count De Soulages, Prior of Canada,

H.E. Marie Pasquet, The Countess De Soulages,

H.E. Chev. Andre Cote,

H.E. Chev. Raymond Nadeau,

H.E. Chev. Christian Pressouyre and

H.E. Chev. Denis Racine, Esq.

We are particularly indebted to 

 Lt. Col. GS Tardif, Aide-de-Camp to the

Lt. Governor of Quebec, The Honourable Pierre Duchesne,

for obtaining on our behalf lodging at the Quebec Naval Residence and for

extending to us historically valuable information about the military complex of Quebec's Citadelle.

One cannot travel in Canada without encountering one jewel of nature after another. 

And so, journeying to and from Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, we were able to enjoy the 

thunderous experience of seeing and hearing the waterfall in St. Anne's Canyon.

According to our official St. Anne Basilica tour guide, on the Feast Day of St. Anne in July, 

hundreds of First Nation Catholics arrive to participate in the associated religious activities.

With their traditional lodges and regalia, they dignify St. Anne's Feast Day events. 

The commercial center of the village of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre,

​also known as Avenue Royale.

A humble but beautiful inn and restaurant accommodates pilgrims to the Basilica of St. Anne.

Part of the magnificent ceiling of St. Anne's Basilica, inspired by the great Romanesque building style.

Multitudes of pilgrims come to the Shrine of St. Anne every year.

Many have been cured of their injuries, illnesses and afflictions. 

H.S.H. Dame Heide Anna Maria Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa,

The Duchess of Schlesien-Glogau

in solemn prayerful reflection of a high Christian moment in front of the forearm relic of

​St. Anne, Mother of Mary and Grandmother of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A principal side chapel of the Basilica contains the relic of a four-inch portion of one of St. Anne's forearms, displayed in a carved gilded arm-like vessel. 

This valuable Christian gift was deeded to the Shrine by St. John Paul II during one of his Pontifical visits to Canada. 

May this entry also serve as an official record of the fact that German Crusader Knights had secured the head of St. Anne by bringing it to Dueren in the Rheinland of Germany in the year 1510.

From 710 - 1333, the complete remains of St. Anne had been interred in the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople. After a religious group opposed to Christianity had taken over Byzantium, a new version of the Crusader Knights was called upon to save the artifacts of Holy Mother Church one more time.  

The authors of this webpage respectfully and cordially ask their relatives, friends and acquaintances, 

to be adventurous and join us for the next RCST Investiture in Quebec, Canada.

The international bridge below (Sault Ste. Marie), here photographed from the Canadian side, 

finally returns us to the good old USA.

​And last, but not least, it is our hearts' desire to express our most sincere appreciation

for the gifts extended to us by Madame and Monsieur Lucette and Yves Garneau of Quebec.

​​All good things must come to an end. 

And so, on 2 June 2014, we had to say goodbye to lovely and beautiful Quebec,

embarking on our return trip to Wisconsin USA, internalizing once again

Canada's indescribable natural beauty.

The religious experience pictorially documented above found a gracious conclusion with the invitation

to attend H.E. Michel Gaudart, the Count de Soulages', reception and dinner party at his elegantly appointed mansion in Quebec City.