Addendum, Doliwa Coat-of-Arms, Princely Reference

The center of this painting by Wilhem Camphausen (1860) portrays the Silesian/Prussian

Field Marshal Bluecher, Prince von Wahlstatt,

as he crosses the Rhine River at Kaub, en route to defeating Emperor Napoleon at Waterloo,

on the 1st of January 1814.

Saint Mary's Catholic Church and Saint Mary's Parochial School,

Oberhausen/Rhineland, Muelheimer Strasse 

​The Three Seasons of Life

Although the undisputed heir to the Ducal/Princely House Gulgowski-Doliwa is proud to administer the history of his ancestors' domain, he, nevertheless, is equally content with living in the "here and now" of his earthly life. To this end, he feels honored by the commission of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a Colonel Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of that state.

Please note that "a Kentucky Colonel commission is the highest honor bestowed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It is equivalent to being made a Knight by the Sovereign of the United Kingdom."

While every Governor has a unique list of qualifications for bestowing the Commonwealth's highest honor, a Kentucky Colonel has demonstrated outstanding personal achievements and commitment to servicing their community, state, and nation. 

The above edifices symbolize the beginning of Duke Paul's fundamental 

Christian-ethical, moral and academic education that guaranteed his lifelong professional successes on three continents.


this is also the time and space to be nostalgic:

Just a few months prior to our Episcopalian (Anglican) church wedding in the ramparted Victory Chapel of the Northwestern St. John's Military Academy, we enjoyed a wonderful time as guests of Burg Gutenfels overlooking the majestic, legendary Rhine River, showed right below.

.... and now, we are happily married for 33 years, having enjoyed the beauty and serenity of our union, while traveling and embracing the immense majesty of our planet at its most inspiring sites. 

​With confidence, we look forward to continue in the spirit for the next at least 11 years!

Statement of Authority

At  the time of the Reigning Duke's departure from this life, his wife, Princess Heide Anna Maria

Gulgowski-Doliwa, is hereby officially/legally designated  Chief of the Princely/Ducal House Gulgowski-Doliwa.

Crowns are much more than those who are entitled to wear them.

They are a symbol for the entirety of a cultural whole and the idea 

​of enlightened statesmanship.

Determined to give their all in the pursuit of excellence and a greater reputation for their family, Matias and Maia Gulgowski-Doliwa, below.

Obviously, Matias' role model in soccer is non other than Soccer Great Toni Kroos, who has excelled on behalf of Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and the German National Soccer Team.

Consequently, it was only natural that we exchanged our marriage vows in a House of God that resembled a fortress, signifying the unassailable strength of our Christian faith and our believe in a supreme God.  

​Prince Paul II and family represent the many well wishers that celebrated this unforgettable anniversary with us.

After the last battle of the Second Silesian War, 1741-1745, 

Austrian Galicia became the Prussian Schlesien.

The photographs below depict the city of 


under Royal Prussian Government.

Upper Silesia (at one time Galicia),

including Gulgowek

Lower Silesia (Schlesien), incl. Glogau

Coat-of-Arms Strzemien (Modified)

Coat-of-Arms Doliwa (Modified)

[Gulgowek Castle, Birthplace of Johannes (Jan) von Gulgowski, Generation Six]

​​Their Most Serene Highnesses,

Princess Heide and Prince Paul W. Gulgowski-Doliwa,

The Dukes of Schlesien-Glogau, 

at an Investiture ceremony of the venerable Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem

in St. Anne's Church, Budapest, Hungary. 

H.R.H. St. Hedwig, H.M.S.H. Prof. Dr. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa, The Duke of Schlesien-Glogau


H.M.S.H. Dame Heide Anna Maria Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa, The Duchess of Schlesien-Glogau

​thank you most cordially for giving their study of the Gulgowski genealogy your considered attention.


​​Stanislaw Gulg(k)owski (Gl-ogowski) married Anna Solezka. Stanislaw
is the last in my own line that can be proven by civil records.


From this point on, we had to
rely on books on coats and arms and historical accounts:

Jan Golgowski is listed in Herbarz Szlachty Witebskij and Herbarz Polski, in 1697, when his nobility status in the Province
of Polock was reconfirmed.

Anna Golgowski (nee Makowskich) was listed in Adam Boniecki's, Herbarz Polski, in 1592.

Piotra Gulgowski, Arms Doliwa,
also known as Golgowski, was dispatched by King Sigismund III (Vasa) on March
12, 1588 to the Inflants.

Marcin z Gulgowa (the Polish "z" represents in German "von") was listed at the University of Cracow in 1460.

Szymon z Gulgowa was also listed at the University of Cracow in 1460.

Dobekz Gulgowa is listed, in 1416, as heir to the Gulgowa/Gulkowa estate.

Wojslawa Glogowski and Smiecha Glogowski are listed, in 1406,
as heirs of the Gulkowa estate.

Wawrzyniec z Glogowa lub Golkowa is reprimanded by Archbishop Waclaw z Legnicy in 1394.

Henryk III-V
Zelazny, was the Duke of Glogow, Oels, Wohlau and Sagan. Henryk married Anna
of Plock, on September 5, 1357.
Henry died in 1369 and Anna died on February 16, 1362/63. [It is alleged that
Henry III-V was the last male of the Piast Line. No record has been found, to
date, that he had any offspring, in or out of Wedlock].

Henry II-IV,
Duke of Silesia in Sagan was born in 1289. He married Mechthild
v. Brandenburg, Margravine, on
January 5, 1309/10. Mechthild was born in 1296, and died on March 31, 1369.
Henryk died on January 22, 1341/42. [Through Mechthild v. Brandenburg, Henry
was related to Charlemagne (Karl der Grosse)]

Prince Konrad I Glogowski-Bytomski, was the Duke of Silesia, and was born somewhere between
1228 and 1231. He married Salomea of Poland in 1249. Konrad died on April 18, 1273, while
Salomea died in April 1267.

Henry II, "the Pious," was the Duke of Silesia and Cracow, and was born
circa 1196. Henry married Anna v. Bohemia sometime between 1214 and 1218.
​Anna was born in 1204. Henry died on April 9, 1241. while his
wife Anna died on June 23, 1265.

Henryk I, Brodaty ("the Bearded"), was the Duke of Silesia and

Wroclaw. Henryk was born between 1167 and 1174. He married Saint Hedwig of Meran, the Patron Saint of Silesia. Hedwig was born in 1170 in Bavaria, Germany. Henryk died on March 19, 1238, in Krakow; while his
wife, Hedwig, died on October 13, 1243.

Boleslaw, "the Tall," (1129-1201) was the Duke of Silesia. He married
Christina (bef. 1159 - 1204/8).

Wladislaw II, "the Exile" received Silesia and the "Senioral"
territory as his inheritance. He was Duke of Kracow and Silesia from 1138-1146.
He was King of Poland for a short time. Wladislaw was born in 1105; and died on
May 30, 1159. Wladislaw married Agnes,
the Margavine of Austria. Agnes,
the daughter of Leopold III, Duke of Austria, was born sometime before 1110 or
1111; and she died in 1156.

Boleslaw III Krzywousty was the Duke of Poland in 1102. later called King of
Poland. He was born on August 20, 1086, in Krakow, and died on October 28,

1138, in Sochaczew. His wife was Sbislava
of Kiev who died circa 1110 or 1111.

Wladyislaw I Herman King of Poland, was born, 

circa 1043, and died June 4, 1102. He married Judith of Bohemia, who was born sometime between 1056 and 1058.
Judith died on December 25, 1086.

Casimir I/Karol Odnowiciel ("the Restorer"),
was the Duke of Poland in 1039. Casimir was born on July 25, 1016; and died
March 19, 1058. He married Dobronega Maria of Kiev (1015-1087), the daughter of Vladimir, the Grand
Duke of Kiev, circa 1041.

Mieszko II Lambert was born in 990 and died on May 10, 1034.
Mieszko married Richerza de Lorraine (995-1062/63). Mieszko lost his realm in 1031 and
fled abroad.

Boleslaw I "the Brave," was born
about 697 in Poznan. He was Duke of Poland, and he died on May 25, 992. He
married Emmilde (c. 970- c.1017)

Mieszko I Dagon, Grand Duke of Poland, was
born circa 935, and died on May 25, 992. His wife was Dobrawa Premysl of
Bohemia (d. 977), (a Czech).

Ziemonislaw/Siemonyst, Duke of Poland was born
in Gniesno, and died before 964. He is buried in Poznan. His wife was Gorka.

Lemzek, the Duke of Poland (d. 921).

Ziemowit, Duke of Poland (d. 892).

the Piast Dynasty was founded in 850, The Piasts took their name from a ploughman named Piast (d. 891), who had a wife

     named Rzepicha. Piast was the first Duke of Poland.

​​Genealogy of the Gulgowski Family
Arms Doliwa (Strzemien)


Matias Alois von Gulgowski
(son of Paul Wilhelm II) was born September 6, 2012.

Paul Wilhelm von Gulgowski
II, (son of Paul) was born January 21,1977. Paul II married Natalia
Ortega-Mondragon on June 12, 2008. Natalia was born on Dec. 9, 1981.


Paul Wilhelm v. Gulgowski
Sen. was born on July 4, 1940. Paul married Heide Anna Maria von Hegenscheidt* on
July 6, 1989. Heide was born on April 9, 1954.



Paul Bernhard v. Gulgowski
was born on January 5, 1914. He married Katharina v. Look on October 16, 1939.
Katharina was born September 22, 1917.
Paul Bernhard died on June
16,1994, and his wife Katharine died on January 2, 1983.


Joseph v. Gulgowski was born
on August 6, 1878. Joseph married Maria Lilse on December 6, 1902.


Johannes (Jan) v. Gulgowski
was born on December 9, 1860 in Gulgowek. Johannes married Augusta Brzostowski
on August 15, 1882. Augusta was born on August 15, 1864. Johannes died March 5,
1929, in Gulgowek; and Augusta died on November 8, 1937. Augusta belonged to
the Clan of Strzemie.


Ludwig Jan Alfred Imp. Prince/Duke von Gulg(k)owski was

born March 14, 1814, date of death unknown, married in 1853 Maria Antonia Gemberle
who was born in 1832 and died in 1875.

​​Jan Nepomucen Imp. Prince/Duke von Gulg(k)owski was born on
June 23, 1777, and died on November 9, 1832, he was married in 1806 to Louise
Baroness von Larisch, who was born in 1786 and who died March 3, 1848.


Franciszek Imp. Prince/Duke von Gulg(k)owski was born
January 29, 1733, he died on April 22, 1812, he married in 1776 Judyta M.
Montbelli de Biciard, no other personal dates are known about her.

Aleksander Jozef Count Gulg(k)owski (Silesian Line) was born March 13,
1695, and died May 21, 1762, elevated to the noble rank of Imp. Prince and Duke
of Silesia by the grace of Her Majesty Maria Theresa of Austria-Hungary, he was
married on October 31, 1728, to Maria F. Baroness von Stein, who was born in
the year 1712 and died in the year 1741, (Arms Strzemien).

The members of the Ducal and Princely House Gulgowski-Doliwa bear the titles of Prince, Duke and Count of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and of the Kingdom of Poland. Commodore Professor Dr. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa and his wife, Dame Heide Anna Maria Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa, are the Duke and Duchess of Schlesien-Glogau and currently the senior members of the House Gulgowski-Doliwa. They also hold Princely Margravial titles from the Imperial Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam.

In matters of succession, the laws established by Emperor Justinian prevail as perpetuated by the laws and regulations of formerly and presently existing sovereign states. The completeness of the following genealogical study was obviously negatively impacted upon by the three partitions of Poland, the Silesian Wars, the two world wars, tremendous political strive between anti Monarchy oriented political parties, major natural disasters and the tragedies as well as the atrocities these events carried in their trains.  

​At least one exceedingly grateful acknowledgement is here in order:

Without the Hohenzollern Collection, presently in custody of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., although based in fact on Habsburg records, this genealogical study would have been

substantially incomplete.  
