Haller's Army, Blekitna Armia, frequently also called the Polish Legion of France, was recruited and later, at least for a short period, commanded by  Lt. General Jozef Haller (Please note right painting above). 

The Polish Legion fought for their families, for their freedom, but mostly for the resurrection of their homeland Poland after World War I in 1918. 

Up to 35,000 of them volunteered from the USA and Canada. Eventually, together with the Poles serving in the French Foreign Legion, they numbered more than 100,000 men. They applied themselves well in battle, especially in the Champagne Region at the end of WWI and then through to the Ukraine in the Polish-Soviet War 1919 - 1920.  

Folks with a historical mind know that this is not the end of the story. Starting in 1939, World War II commenced and we all know what this calamity led to. Going into that now would exceed the focus of this webpage. 

Crowns are much more than those who are entitled to wear them. They are a symbol for the entirety of a cultural whole and the idea of enlightened statesmanship.

The Volunteer Defenders of Silesia consisted of 3 Infantry Regiments with a total of

4,550 members.​

1 Artillery Battery

1 Aviation Reconnaissance Detachment

1 Tank Platoon

1 Medical Company

H.M.S.H. Grand Dame Heide A. Maria Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa, The Duchess of Lower Silesia-Glogau
was invested into the Venerable Order of St. Stanislas in May 2006 by Prince Orland Machnikowski in Olesnica, Poland, after she had paid her respects to St. Stanislas at his sarcophagus in Krakow.​




Obviously, the established leadership of this Chivalric Companion Order does not look for such lofty heroic acts as are depicted above. For us, lesser acts of civil or military bravery, such as speaking ones patriotic mind or publishing a similar spirited treatise against unenlightened opposition, would definitely find favor with us.

As mentioned above, the leadership on behalf of the chivalric Companion Order "Eagle of Silesia to Honor Distinguished Defenders of Our Civilization," remains the same as for the St. Hedwig Branch. Please, note the photograph below.  ​


Not all Nobles are Knights. Nor are all Knights Nobles.
These facts drove both categories of distinguished personages to rectify this so obvious inconsistency.

As the Ducal/Princely House Gulgowski-Doliwa unearthed its noble past, it became clear to its members that they had to undergo the time-ordered procedures of being invested into historically acclaimed Orders of Knighthood. (For this purpose, please review our webpage
Eagle of Silesia in Honor of St. Hedwig.)

For H.M.S.H. Prof. Dr. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa, The Duke of Lower Silesia-Glogau and his son
H.S.H. Lic. Eng. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa II, Duke of Brieg,
the first Knightly Investiture was conducted by
H.H. Grand Prince Alexander Podolski of Poland, who invested us into the Unified Polish Groups of Monarchists on 15 Oct. 2005 in Olesnica Castle, Poland.  
We did so to honor our distinguished ancestor
Polish Count Gulkowski, who must be credited with having brought about the Noble/Knightly preconditions that eventually led H.I.&R.M. Empress/Queen Maria Theresia of Austria/Hungary and other Crownlands to elevate the House Gulgowski-Doliwa Strzemien to Princely/Ducal status in March 1752.  ​

Saint Hedwig, Patron Saint of Silesia

The central symbolistic ornamentations of the Companion Eagle Order of Silesia for the Distinguished

Defenders of Our Civilization, the sword and the writing quill (above another variation), are to emphasize that wisdom is always more powerful than raw force. Or, as we say in America "the pen is more powerful than the gun," here depicted as a sword. However, during times of great national strive and exclusively for the purpose of achieving an absolutely necessary ethical/moral result, superior wisdom combined with great strength, will always win the day.

Alone for that commendable achievement, next to many others, we are sure, the Ducal Princely House Gulgowski-Doliwa bestows upon the City of St. Hedwig both distinctions:

The Eagle Order of Silesia in Honor of St. Hedwig with its Companion Order

The Eagle Order of Silesia for the Distinguished Defenders of our Civilization.

On 17 June 1953, a spontaneous widespread East German uprising fought for justice, freedom and the liberation from an oppressive East German Communist Party regime that was secured in place by the overpowering forces of the Soviet army in occupation.

In those grand historical instances documented above, we deliberately did not cite the numbers of those brave souls, who perished during those heroic fights, which had as their purposes nothing less than the liberation and the attainment of personal happiness on behalf of entire nations, because in our minds and in the hearts of freedom-loving people everywhere, they shall live forever.   ​



The Chivalric Companion Order "Eagle of Silesia to Honor Distinguished Defenders of Our Civilization"

is to recognize the following target population in particular:

Presently serving members of the Military, retired members of the Military, Border Guards, Police Officers, Customs and Immigration Enforcement Officers, Paramedics and Medical Specialists, Artists, Clergy, Engineers, Mariners and associated/related professions, as well as many others that fit into the characteristics of similar occupations. 

In the correspondence depicted above, His Holiness The Pontiff Emeritus

Benedict XVI extends his blessings to the Ducal Princely House Gulgowski-Doliwa

and all its meritorious and chivalrous endeavors. 

On 25 May 1809, the Schill Corps of Liberation entered the northern German city of Stralsund and commenced to do battle against the Napoleonic French occupation of Germany. In the end that strive for liberty was tragically lost. The 1.500 Corpsmen combated 6.000 Frenchmen and had little chance to be victorious.​ This Ducal Princely House shall never forget them.

Our distinguished readers are invited to please note the borders of the German Empire, 1871 - 1918.

Next to the expansiveness of the Imperial German Realm, one recognizes the tremendous terrain of the Kingdom of Prussia, depicted in the color gray left above. 

The map on the right side portraits the Republic of Poland after the conclusion of World War I. 

Quite well noticeable are the forced annexations of Austrian, German, Russian and Lithuanian territory by Poland after the secession of the First World War in the history of our planet. Germany, Austria and Russia totally exhausted from this tremendous armed conflict were unable to do anything substantial about the Polish expansion. At least not for the immediate future. In twenty years time, these acquisitions would be nullified in a way and manner no one could foresee in 1918.

Overarching, Short Historical Synopsis, 1919 - 1921

Kindly notice the two Eagle Order of Silesia Knighthood decorations on Duke Paul's 

historical Silesian Life Guards Dragoon parade uniform, indicating the rank of 

Major General of the Imperial Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam Ceremonial and Peaceful Guard and

the same rank with the International Legion of Frontiersmen.   

Unsere verehrten Leser sind eingeladen zu erkennen, dass 

S.D.H. Prof. Dr. Paul W. Fuerst Gulgowski-Doliwa, der Herzog von


zentral neben anderen ihm verliehenen Ritterorden, seine beiden ritterlichen

schlesischen Hausorden auf einer recherchiert nachempfundenen

schlesischen Leibgardedragonerparadeuniform traegt.

Die dazugehoerenden Schulterstuecke zeigen den Dienstgrad eines

Generalmajors der Kaiserlich Friedfertigen Ehrengarde langzeitig geschichtlich verbunden mit der Kaiserlichen Nguyen Dynasty Vietnams sowie alliiert mit der Legion Internationaler Grenschuetzer.

Croix D'Honneur

du Policier Europeen,

Displayed here as 

Symbol of 

​Worldly Executive Authority

Last Honors for those Volunteer Defenders, who gave the last measure of devotion to their duty.

H.E. the late Sir Knight Reverend Eugene Davidenas-Rogala

not just served in The Holy Spirit of Saint Hedwig, 

but was also a highly appreciated member of the 

​Royal Confraternity of Sao Teotonio (RCST).

The Establishment of the Eagle Order of Silesia to Honor the Defenders of 

Our Civilization does in no way 









Generelle Ordensinformationen fuer unsere deutschsprachigen Freunde

Their Excellencies, The Baron Joao and the Baroness Patricia Calado 

are making their first appearance on our webpages. Please note their coat-of-arms that

reflects in its center position The Eagle of Silesia in respectful reference to the Ducal/Princely House Gulgowski-Doliwa, the Duke and Duchess of Lower Silesia (Glogau).

​Fürstliche Ritter- und Hausorden

von Prof. Dr. Hzg. Paul W. Gulgowski-Doliwa

(Zur Anmerkung: Landgrafen, Pfalzgrafen, Markgrafen und Herzöge gehören, wie auch die Fürsten selbst, zur Kategorie der Fürsten.)

Mit der Änderung der Gemeinschaftsstruktur von Kirchenmacht zur Fürstenmacht im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert wurden überall in Europa eine Reihe weltlicher Ritterorden gestiftet, die der Stärkung des Ansehens und der Macht der Fürsten dienten. Die Fürsten bekleideten selber das Amt der Grossmeister, die Fürstinnen wurden oft als Ordenskanzlerinnen berufen und sich verdient gemachte Adelige, unter dem Rang des Fürsten, sind mit der Position der Ordensmarschalle geehrt worden. Versammlungen, wie z.B. die Anlässe zur Ritterschlagung, wurden in Kapellen oder Kirchen abgehalten. Geschichtliche Plätze konnten auch zu diesem Zweck benutzt werden. Es war Tradition, dass diese Orden einen Schutzheiligen hatten und im möglichen Falle eine päpstliche Bestätigung erhielten.

Die Zahl der Mitglieder in diesen jetzt weltlichen Ritter- und Hausordenwar meistens immer begrenzt. Die Bedingung für die Aufnahme enthielt eine feierliche Zeremonie, Treueversprechungen und sonstige Höflichkeiten wie das Geschenkemachen des Geehrten an den Ehrenden. Die Ritter trugen eine Ordenstracht (Ordensmantel). Das Ordenszeichen war meistens ein Schmuck mit dem Bilde des Schutzheiligen, das an einer Kette, einem Band am Halse oder auch als Steckkreuz getragen wurde. Die Ordensmitglieder waren verpflichtet einen untadeligen Lebenswandel zu führen und die Armen bzw. Leidenden grossherzig zu unterstützen. Die Loyalität der Ritter gegenüber ihren Fürsten war unerlässlich. Früher konnte ein Ritter nicht anderen Ritterorden angehören, doch heute hat man von dieser Sitte Abstand genommen, es sei denn, es gäbe einen Umstand, dass ein Ordensfürst mit einem anderen im Krieg läge. In der modernen Zeit ist der Ritter- bzw. Hausorden mehr zu einem Verdienstorden geworden, der nicht vom Staat selbst verliehen werden kann. Ein gutes Beispiel dafür ist der St. Lazarus Orden, der auch offizieller Orden der Republik Ungarn ist.

In der Entwicklung der Geschichte, wenn in den adeligen Dynastien die Orden mit der Zeit den Charakter von Staatsauszeichnungen bekamen, stifteten die Fürstenhäuser, gezwungenermassen, oft besondere Hausorden. Sie dienten der Belohnung besonderer Lebensleistungen von Personen oder gegenseitiger Verbundenheit. Ein und derselbe Hausorden unterscheidet oft zwischen zivilem Verdienst und Diensten mit der Waffe oder anderen gefährlichen Gegenständen und Geräten. In modernen Monarchien erhalten die sich in Uniform verdient gemachten Personengruppen wie Militär, Polizei, Feuerwehr und Sanitäter neben ihren Tapferkeitsauszeichnungen vom Staat oft auch den Ritter- bzw. Hausorden relevanter Dynastien.         ​

 Colonel Arnaud Beltram, Gendarmerie of France (+ 23 March 2018)

John 15:13: "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends":

In this case the last life he saved was that of a lady hostage under control of an Islamic terrorist. 

The Ducal/Princely House Gulgowski-Doliwa, the Historical Caretakers of the Duchy of

Lower Silesia (Glogau), has posthumously awarded Colonel Beltram 

"The Eagle Order of Silesia in Honor of the Defenders of Our Civilization."

May he rest in the Lord's Peace and in the memories of mankind dedicated to our 

Christian civilization and culture.

To conclude this chapter, we feel privileged and honored to state at this particular time that the distinctly most recent Investiture that we ourselves have orchestrated took place in our residence on
Easter Sunday, 16 April 2017. The person invested into the
 Eagle Order of Silesia in Honor of St. Hedwig was Prof. Sandra Zurek h. Namiot​

Jozef Haller as Lieutenant of the Austrian/Hungarian Army, prior to joining the Polish cause.

​​​​​​"Adler von Schlesien zu Ehren der Heiligen Hedwig"

Der Hausorden "Adler von Schlesien zu Ehren der Heiligen Hedwig" (1174-1243) wurde ausschliesslich für sie, noch vor ihrem Tode, von ihrem Sohn Heinrich II ( Dem Gläubigen) im Jahre 1239 gestiftet.

Es war der Heiligen Hedwigs hoher Verdienst auf breiter Basis die Hungrigen gespeist, die Frierenden bekleidet, die Kranken und Sterbenden getröstet und für die Toten inbrünstig gebetet zu haben.

Aufgrund der geschichtlichen Wirren zwischen Österreich, Polen, Preussen und Russland, war dieser Orden mit der Zeit grösstenteils aus der kollektiven Erinnerung verschwunden, bis General Karl Höfer ihn als militärisches Verdienstabzeichen 1921 wieder ins Lebn zurückgerufen hatte. Der Adlerorden von Schlesien zu Ehren der Heiligen Hedwig (ASEH) wurde am 4. Juli 2016 von seiner Durchlauchtigsten Hoheit General Professor Dr. Paul W. Fürst Gulgowski-Doliwa, Herzog von Niederschlesien, bestätigt in seiner Habsburger DNA, für die Neuzeit des 21. Jahrhunderts reetabliert.

Dieses unumstössliche Fürsten- und Herzogen Adelsrecht wurde der Gulgowski Dynastie de jure von Ihrer Kaiserlichen und Königlichen Majestät, der Kaiserin/Königin Maria Theresia von Österreich-Ungarn und anderen Kronländern 1752 übertragen und 1776 von seiner Majestät, dem König von Preussen Friedrich II (Dem Grossen) bestätigt und in Kraft gehalten.

Daraus folgt, logischerweise, dass das Fons Honorum des Fürstlich- Herzoglichen Hauses Gulgowski-Doliwa noch bis in die weitere Zukunft rechtsgültig und verbindlich bleibt.

Das Ordenszeichen ist ein schwarz emailliertes, achtspitziges Johanniterorden-ähnliches Kreuz mit goldenem Rande, über dessen mittleren, oberen Schenkel eine souveräne Herzogenkrone angebracht ist. Zwischen allen Schenkeln befindet sich auf goldenem Wappenhintergrund der schwarze Adler Schlesiens mit roten Krallen und rotem Schnabel. In der zentralen Mitte des Ordens befindet sich ein rundes, farbliches Abbild der Heiligen Hedwig.

 Der Hausorden "Adler von Schlesien in Würdigung der Verteidiger unserer Zivilisation", ASDC (gleichberechtigter Begleitorden zu ASEH) wurde am 17. Juni 2017 von seiner Durchlauchtigsten Hoheit General Professor Dr. Paul W. Fürst Gulgowski-Doliwa, Herzog von Niederschlesien, ins Leben gerufen.

Dieses Ordenszeichen ist ein schwarz emailliertes, achtspitziges Johanniterordern-ähnliches Kreuz mit goldenem Rande, über dessen mittleren, oberen Schenkel eine souveräne Herzogskrone angebracht ist. Die Schenkel dieses Ehrenzeichens werden durchkreuzt von  einem dunkel-goldenen Schwert und einem dunkel-goldenen Federkiel. Unter dem untersten Schenkel ist ein rot-dunkel-goldenes Mottoband sichtbar, auf dem in Latein geschrieben steht: " Civilitatis Nostri Egregius Defensor". Das zentrale Schild beheimatet den Adler von Schlesien in seinen Traditionsfarben rot-schwarz.  

Der Stifter beider Adler von Schlesien Orden ist selbst Mitglied in den nachstehend aufgeführten distinguierten Ordensritterschaften, eine wichtige Tatsache, welche die Adlerorden von Schlesien mit eigenem Recht legitimieren.

Der Adler von Georgien, Das Nahtlose Gewand Unseres Herrn Jesus Christus. Dieser Adlerorden ist nachweislich der älteste Ritterorden unserer christlichen Zivilisation, (Grossritter).**
 Der Souveräne Orden von Schwaben, Die Ritter von St. Gereon, (Grossritter).**
Der Drachen von Annam (Vietnam), (Grossritter).**
Das Grosskreuz der Königlichen Bruderschaft St. Theotonius.**
Der Hospitaler Orden des Heiligen Lazarus von Jerusalem, (Kommandeur mit Stern).**
Das Ehrenkreuz des Johanniterordens.
Das Jerusalemkreuz.**

Mitglied des Koeniglich Portugiesischen Adelsverbandes.**

Mitglied der Vereinigten Polnischen Monarchisten.
Der Ritterkommandeursorden des ehemaligen Sultanats der Grand Comore Inseln.**

Croix D'Honneur du Policier Europeen (Echelon Or).**

**Indicates that H.M.S.H. Grand Dame Heide Anna Maria Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa

​The Duchess of Lower Silesia-Glogau holds these decorations of Knighthood as well. 

**Bedeutet, dass I.D.H. Grand Dame Heide Anna Maria Fuerstin Gulgowski-Doliwa,

Die Herzogin von Niederschlesien-Glogau, die so notierten aristokratischen

Ehrenzeichen ebefalls verliehen bekommen hat.

Der Stifter der beiden Adler von Schlesien Ritterorden wurde u.a. mit den nachstehend aufgeführten Ehrenzeichen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sowie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgezeichnet:

Die Verdienstlegion der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
Die Verdienstmedaille der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, (fünfmalige Verleihung).
Die Verdienstmedaille des U.S. Verteidigungsministeriums.
Die Verdienstmedaille des U.S. Heeres (dreimalige Verleihung).
Die Verdienstmedaille der U.S. Küstenwache.
Die Tapferkeitsmedaille von Vietnam.
Mehrere, verschiedene Teilnahme- und Stationierungsmedaillen.
Das Bundesverdienstkreuz des Bundesverdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Erster Klasse.
Das Deutsche Sportabzeichen in Gold.
Das Leistungsabzeichen der Deutschen Lebensrettungsgesellschaft.  ​

Das Leistungsabzeichen der Deutschen Bundeswehr (Gold).

​Die Schuetzenschnur der Deutschen Bundeswehr (Gold).

​Unknown but victorious Volunteer Defenders of Silesia and its Holy Sites

The German Military Army Officers depicted above are, from left to right: H.R.H. Reserve Lieutenant Prince Wilhelm of Prussia (Here shown with his grandfather H.I.H. Former Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany.) and Lieutenant (later Lieutenant Colonel Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz.

Both Officers actively plotted already in 1938 to overthrow the entire Hitler Regime of Germany with the advice and consent of Major General Hans Paul Oster, Deputy Chief of Staff of the German Abwehr and confidant of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris.

The plan was, with the involvement of the Vatican and Great Britain, to make out of Germany a Constitutional Monarchy (not an Empire, but a Kingdom), building on the very popular 1880's social justice record of Chancellor Bismarck and Emperor Wilhelm II, that so generously had provided abundant social security, welfare and financial provisions for widows, orphans and retirees.

Oster and Heinz would much later also be associated with the 20 July 1944 massive efforts to dislodge the Nazi Regime in Germany and to make peace with the Allies. 

As things evolved, Prince Wilhelm would be severely wounded while serving as Company Commander of his Prussian Infantry Regiment early during World War II, later succumbing to his wounds in a field hospital in eastern France. 

Colonel Heinz was actively involved in the assassination efforts against Adolf Hitler, however, cunning and resourceful as he was, could never be found out by the Nazis and survived World War II.

He probably hid himself away in the espionage-, counter espionage-, miss- and mal-information labyrinths of the nebulous, mysterious Brandenburg Division.

Colonel Heinz was flown out of totally bombed out Berlin shortly after the war by the Americans and established a de-facto American intelligence acquisition service that was eventually taken over by the new Federal Republic of Germany counter espionage service on behalf of German Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.  

For our very own, limited purposes here, let it suffice that Colonel Heinz, in the photograph above, next to his Imperial Orders of the Iron Cross First and Second Class ( World War I Vintage), was also awarded the Eagle Order of Silesia, the actual combat issue of this coveted decoration. 

He had received this medal for his volunteer combatant service in the Border Guard Regiment (IR 46) in the Province of Poznan against Polish insurgents that were bend on capturing the St. Annaberg pilgrimage site. 

​The Poles probably wanted this religious shrine, not because they were more catholic than the Silesians, but because they were fully aware that such a site was capable of generating massive financial gains. Just two examples: Lourdes, France; Fatima, Portugal. What ever their intentions might have been, this dream of theirs could not materialize, because the initial decades after World War II saw Poland under complete Russian domination that could never favor the exercise of religious pilgrimages to holy sites such as St. Annaberg.    

Das​ Wort "Pate" auf dem obigen Grabstein bedeutet auf Alt Englisch "Kopf, Vorstand, Adeliger Herr bzw. Adelige Dame. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Wort "Noble" bedeutet es so viel wie adelige Gutsbesitzerin.

Wie der fast von den Naturmaechten vergangener Zeiten verwitterte Grabstein immer noch beweist, hatte die hier begrabene adelige Dame den aristokratischen Rang einer Markgraefin inne.

The poster above is attractive; however, not entirely true.

This extended armed conflict also included extensive troop formations from Great Britain and France   numbering in the thousands, who fought on the Polish side. (Note photographs below)

The Chivalric Companion Order "Eagle of Silesia to Honor Distinguished Defenders of Our Civilization"
will be completely established effective 17 June 2017 and is derived from the
"Eagle Order of Silesia in Honor of St. Hedwig"
and therefore holds all the recognition, honors and privileges, to include the Papal Blessings of Their Holinesses Pope Francis and
the Roman Pontiff Emeritus Benedict XVI, that are the distinct attributes of the latter. 

The prerequisites for the award of the Companion Order are the very same as for the St. Hedwig version, with the exception of Point 7, which, in this particular instance, also mandates a demonstrated and verifiable act in defense of the civilization in which the considered postulant resides. 

We like to make absolutely clear to our esteemed readers that both "Eagles of Silesia" chivalric Orders are in status co-equal to one another, whereby a deserving individual may be awarded both of them.

For a better understanding of what is meant by the elevated prerequisite of Point 7,  we illustrate

Jerusalem Cross

of the Universal Roman Catholic Church,

Displayed here as

Symbol of

​Divine Theological Authority

Item of Particular Interest to Our Dames and Knights


Aquila Silesia Civilitatis Nostri Egregius Defensor

"Pate" means in Old English "Head, Superior, Lord/Lady, in this case and in conjunction with the word "noble," Noble Lady or Lady of the Manor." As this nearly withered away tombstone still clearly manifests, this Lady of Nobility held the aristocratic rank of Margravine. This is the only graveside of such remarkable uniqueness in the state of Wisconsin of which we are aware.​​

The bearded Jozef Haller as Lt. General of the Polish Legion.

The above with the compliments of Baron Joao and Baroness Patricia Calado

of Portugal

​Last monthly statistical manifestation for December 2023

On 23 February 1836, 200 gallant Texans resisted the advance of an oppressive Imperial Mexican force for the purpose of establishing a democratically oriented, independent Texas. An overwhelming number of bravely fighting Mexicans eventually carried the day.

Lieutenant Albert Leo Schlageter's

Silesian Decorations.

For his patriotic services on behalf of Silesia, the French executed him by firing squad on 26 May 1923.

diminish our Reverence, Admiration,

Adoration and Love for

​Saint Hedwig.

However, from a personal, family-oriented point of view, our emotionally most satisfying Knightly Event was that of H.S.H. Lic. Eng. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa II, The Duke of Brieg, being introduced and welcomed into the organization of combined Polish Monarchists in October 2006.

The photograph below depicts us as 

​determined defenders of our dearly appreciated home.


H.H. Chief Superintendent Prince Bernd H. Gulgowski-Doliwa +

H.E. Lt. Colonel Heinz Knight Obry, Former President Steuben Society of America +

​H.E. Master Mariner Valery Baron Yegorov, Herald Master, Russian College of Heraldry

H.E. Commander Larry D. Baron Perkins, M.Ed. +

​H.E. Aviation Captain Colonel Dr. James A. Baron Michaels, DDS

H.E. Warrant Officer R. Max Knight George, U.S. Army (Hon. Ret.)

H.H. Luc Said Mohamed Cheikh, Croissant de la Grande Comore

H.E. ​Lic. Timothy Paul Knight Danko, Senior, FAA Aviator

H.E. Major Jean Claude Knight Carladous, Gendarmerie Reserve of France; Colonel, KY

H.E. Dame Ghislaine Carladous nee Bourgain

H.E. Directeur de la Police Fabrice Knight Runavot

​H.E. Adjutant Chef Daniel Knight Breuiller 



The town was founded by John Demmer in 1852 when he moved to the area from his native Silesia. In 1856 four more Silesians immigrated to the area and built the site's first Catholic Church, Annunciation [1](under the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio). In 1860 a post office called Cottage Hill opened, but was later renamed St. Hedwig after the patron saint of Silesia. By 1868 the community had built a stone church, and in 1897 the town boasted 200 families mainly from Poland and Germany.

As a matter of fact, currently 65% of the city's inhabitants are of German and Polish ancestry. 

Although the city of St. Hedwig very much looks like many other settlements in that maverick-type Great State of Texas, its cemetery does not, which represents a major difference to those "boot hill type" last resting places one encounters so frequently in the Lone Star State. Please see below.

Grand Prior: H.M.S.H. Prof. Dr. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa, Duke of Lower Silesia-Glogau (right),
Grand Chancellor: H.M.S.H. Grand Dame Heide A. Maria Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa, Duchess of Lower Silesia-Glogau (second from right) and

Marshal of the Order: H.S.H. Lic. Paul W. Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa II, B.Sc. (with distinction).

The Lady on the left is H.S.H. Natalia Mondragon Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa, ​wife of Prince Paul.

​"Terrorism takes my speech away. It is probably the most cowardice, ugliest and infamous form of power, which I simply cannot understand." 

Dr. Manuela Maria Uma Baroness von Pozvek, Vienna, Austria.

Silesian battlefield casualties: 75 Killed in Action, 52 Wounded.

Polish and Allied battlefield losses: Unprecisely estimated at "several thousand."