The principal RCST Investiture officials were:

H.E. Ulisses Count Rolim y Reigada, Grand Prior,

H.E. Machiel Lord de Vries, Prior of The Netherlands,

Monsignor Jose Vercaemst and

​H.E. Manuel Baron Duchesne, Prior of the BENELUX Nations.

The church and social activities were elegantly supported by the

Military Guard of Honor "Pro Libertate," a volunteer corps

​that continues the traditions of the former Royal Dutch East Indian Army.



Text and Photographs Authored and Edited by:

H.S.H. Dr. Paul Prince Gulgowski-Doliwa, Duke of Schlesien-Glogau and

H.S.H. Grand Dame Heide A.M. Princess Gulgowski-Doliwa,

​Duchess of Schlesien-Glogau

His Majesty King Willem Alexander of The Netherlands, flanked by Queen Maxima (left) and his mother Princess Beatrix (right) formerly Reigning Queen, waving to enthusiastic Dutch crowds.

RCST Investiture and Impressions of The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2015